Pitch, network and get opportunities.

We were selected from 19 startups around the world. And in the top 9 finalists to the InsurTech Big pitch.

InsurLab Germany : the networking platform connecting insurance companies, science and public institutions with startups. Was the selection committee with 3 majors actors of the insurance sector.

The pitching competition was in front of big actors of the insurance industry in Germany, such as :

The challenge was great, with innovative startups from around the word.

The 9 finalist startups were from France, Croatia, Austria, Norway, Argentina, USA, Romania, Uruguay. And branper was the only startup to represent Tunisia and the African continent.

All the finalists are the winners of this challenge, because, they aren’t competing against each others for a unique prize, but they were competing to get an opportunity to collaborate and partner with one or more of the insurance companies that attended the pitch.

Also, we assisted to the reversal pitch, when insurance companies pitched collaboration opportunities and what they expect from startups.

Stay tuned, many great things are cooking.

Here the event main program